Daily Bible Verse

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Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Psych Ward

I toured a mental hospital yesterday. I have a rotation in Psych nursing for the next eight weeks. I really thought that they would teach us some defensive moves before setting us students loose in a mental ward. Not full-on kung fu, mind you, but some basic don't-mess-with-me defensive techniques. Maybe they'll do that in the advanced course.

The psych ward was not really what I expected. I expected to see schizos sitting on urine-stained cots in their pajamas swaying back and forth and grunting. There was none of that. They acutally had nice furniture, and the facility was clean and well maintained. The few crazies I encountered were actually surprisingly polite. I was most surprised by the abundance of "Garfield" posters I saw taped to the walls. I wondered what Jim Davis would think of that.

I hate Garfield, so dare I say that it's a good place for him?

I grew up in the city where One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest was filmed (it took place when I was in fourth grade), and the hospital from the outside, which we always called Center Street Hotel when I was a kid, still looks every bit as scary and imposing as it does in the movie. Probably doesn't help that it's just a few blocks away from the state pen. I've never been inside the mental hospital (or the penitentiary, for that matter), but I understand that in the case of the mental hospital, the inside has been substantially upgraded to reflect the changes and enlightenment in mental health treatment over the past twenty years or so.
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