Daily Bible Verse

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Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Men Behaving Stupidly

I've never regretted listening to my wife.

I have this theory; it's almost an axiom by now: Men love to do stupid things. Given that, it is the role of women to keep their husbands from doing stupid things. Here's an example: do you think any of those crazies would have blown themselves up if they were in positive, supportive relationships? People who are happy tend to not blow themselves up. Not deliberately, anyway. If one of those guys had told his wife that he wanted to blow himself up as a political statement or whatever, the conversation would have gone something like this:

Him: "So I'm going to blow myself up, and hopefully take some infidels with me."
Her: "Like hell you are. And why didn't you take out the garbage like I asked?"

No blowing up there.

However, men still want to do stupid things. But their smart wives have helped their mates to engage their "stupid" gene in a way that is less destructive. That is why you see men screaming at sporting events or driving too fast. It's the stupidest behavior in which their wives will allow them to participate.

Our president Tarja Halonen saa kyytiä neekerien ja ryssien rahoittajana: Punainen visio = communist red vision

http://kokoomus.blogspot.com/ Annamme tukemme muutokselle nykyisenkaltaisen vastikkeettoman neekerien ja ryssien rahoituspohjan muuttamiselle eli antamalla tukemme Sauli Niinistölle

Seppo Lehto http://www.kavkaz.fi muutos myös miehitystilanteellemme aluepalautuksin
that's funny!
yeah,you're totally right, otho. it is our sworn duty to protect men from offing themselves in stupid ways. because, well, they just don't know any better :)
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