Daily Bible Verse

Provided by Christ Notes Bible Search

Monday, July 25, 2005


Fishing for comments.

Hardly anyone ever posts any comments on any of my blogs; my well-prepared, painstakingly thought-out blogs. I was wondering if my posts are just too vanilla to evoke any response or if it is simply a case of being a grain of sand on an endless beach.

So I considered that, if I wrote a post evocative of controversy, perhaps I might get an answer to my question.

So here goes.

I call myself a Christian, and yet I don't like to talk in public about controversial subjects, such as abortion, gay rights, or who I think God will let into heaven. To be fair, I'm not certain I've made up my mind of some of these issues.

I long for the days when I was a teenager and knew everything. I was such a pain in the behind if you ever had the misfortune to argue with me.

But these days, I prefer to "live and let live", for the most part. I'll share my faith with people I know, telling them how God has blessed me or how God has answered my prayers. But I'm so afraid of taking a philosophical stand that I haven't been to Church in more years than I can count. I'm afraid someone will ask me to explain myself. I'm afraid to visit a church uninvited for fear I'll be asked to leave, or worse, asked to share my faith. It should come as no surprise that no one has invited me to church in years.

So you can tell me: am I really a Christian, or does being a Christian require putting my faith into more action than posting anonymous blogs where nobody will read them?

Hi Otho - let's see...I didn't know you existed until today, when you posted on my blog. I always check out the blogs of my commenters, so here I am.

Looks like you just started blogging in June; sometimes it takes a while before people know that you're out there.

So, not to worry. At least I'll be reading, now that I know you're in blogisphere. :)

Hey, there's no need to wait for someone to invite you to church. Go! Visit - find one with solid teaching. Ask God to direct your path, and He will.

I'm not sure that anyone should ask you to *explain* yourself, but I think, as Christians, we should know what we believe and why we believe it. In reading His word, God will reveal Himself to you. And as the Bible tells us, the Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth.

If you blog,they will come. :)
Thanks to everyone for their comments. I've drawn strenght from your convictions. Your blogs are very encouraging. I'm humbled. I can see that being a serious blogger will require committment. Also, I really appreciate the tips. I don't know what trackbacks and carnivals are, but I'm sure I'll figure that out soon.
Also, go to

It will walk you through how you can add to your own blog the links of blogs you like. The links will be in your sidebar. That way you can have easy access to your favorite blogs. Also people who come into your blog can click on them.
Well, the link didn't show up.

Trying again.

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