Daily Bible Verse

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Friday, May 30, 2008


What's Methane

You've probably heard a lot about greenhouse gasses. There has been a lot of talk about carbon dioxide causing global warming.

People talk about methane, but it seems there is still a lot of confusion regarding the role of methane in global warming.

First of all, what is methane? Methane is commonly known as natural gas. Anything organic that dies gives off methane. Cow poop gives off methane. Garbage dumps give off methane. Coal in the ground gives off methane.

Secondly, methane in the atmosphere retains heat 20 times more than carbon dioxide.

Finally, burning methane destroys it and makes it harmless in terms of global warming.

So what does all this mean?

We have a source of energy that will supply all our energy needs for heating and lighting our homes, and powering our cars, forever. Right here in the United states.

There are over 13,000 garbage dumps in the United States. Capping just one garbage dump can produce enough methane to produce over 5 megawatts of electricy. Enough to power over 6000 homes.

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